
International Festival of Computer Art

In the last 15 years, the International Festival of Computer Arts has pioneered the theory and practice of new media. This year, among many others from Serbia, Austria and Slovenia, the renowned Japanese band Open Reel Ensemble will visit the festival on the first day with a performance in the Udarnik Cinema. During the performances, the cast members create recordings and...

Important information
Gallery on Koroška cesta, Kino Udarnik and other locations, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee

In the last 15 years, the International Festival of Computer Arts has pioneered the theory and practice of new media. This year, among many others from Serbia, Austria and Slovenia, the renowned Japanese band Open Reel Ensemble will visit the festival on the first day with a performance in the Udarnik Cinema. During the performances, the members of the band create recordings and combine them with sounds, turning them manually and digitally into a unique sound construction by spinning the tape reels. In the next ten days, there will be workshops, lectures and interventions in the public space.

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