
International Mountain Film Festival 2017

The year 2017 has barely begun, but the announcements of promising events are pouring in on us and making our cold and working days more beautiful. One of the long-awaited events is certainly the 11th International Mountain Film Festival (2017). It will take place from February 20 to 26, 2017 in Cankarjeve dom. You are welcome.

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5 €

11th International Mountain Film Festival (2017), which will take place between 20 and 26 February 2017 in Cankar's home in Ljubljana, is the largest festival of its kind on our soil. It has been held since 2007, but every year bigger, better in terms of content and attracting more and more visitors. It's also a festival member of the International Association of Mountain Film.

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49 films from different countries will be shown
49 films from different countries will be shown.

Just like every year, mountain enthusiasts can expect a rich program this year, consisting of lectures, various exhibitions, presentations of new books and discussions with experts.

Gorniška Festival has been held for more than 10 years
Gorniška Festival has been held for more than 10 years.

In addition, it will be on the air this year 49 adventure movies from the USA, France, England, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia, Austria, from Nepal, from Canada, from New Zealand, from Iran, from Poland, Slovakia, from Mexico, Italy, India and Oman.

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