
International Yoga Day - Everything you need to know about yoga

Yoga - everything you need to know about this ancient discipline

Since 2015, June 21 has been celebrated as International Yoga Day, after it was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in a resolution in December 2014. "By declaring June 21 the International Day of Yoga, we recognized the holistic effects of this timeless practice and the conformity of its values with the fundamental values of the United Nations," said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the time. We take this opportunity to take a closer look at why yoga is an important part of our everyday life and why you should practice it too.

On June 21, 2016, we celebrate International Yoga Day, an ancient skill that took root in India, and got its own day in 2014. This year, the International Day of Yoga is celebrated for the second time, and the celebration is once again joined by Slovenia.

READ MORE: A beginner's guide to various forms of yoga

Because of its various practices and traditions, yoga has become part of the world heritage and while Yoga Association of Slovenia (JZS) is preparing various these days interventions in public space (they will last until June 25, 2016) – workshops, practices, talks on the topic of yoga, ... - we gathered together everything you need to know about yoga; why is it useful, what types or we know the styles of yoga, where we can practice it, what accessories to use during practice, how to include yoga in our busy schedule, where to find exercises online, etc.

Everything you need to know about yoga:

Yoga By The Way: How You're Practicing Yoga Daily Without Even Realizing It

It is best if we can do things casually. Whether it's shopping, small tasks, but this especially applies to physical activities, for which we are stressed day in and day out how important they are. But that takes time. Even more than that is the will, which is lacking in most people with their busy schedules. Yoga is one of the more convenient ways to do something for yourself. For body and mind. And although many people don't like it, you will be surprised to find out that you practice it daily without even realizing it.

Read more: Yoga By The Way: How You're Practicing Yoga Daily Without Even Realizing It

Yoga: Great online portals for practicing yoga at home

Practicing yoga at home with the help of online courses is an excellent way of recreation. Yoga is an exercise that strengthens the body and mind, and is safe and suitable for most people. It is ideal for achieving mental, physical and spiritual balance, and also helps with digestion, hormonal balance, stress and anxiety attacks. Here are our favorite sites for practicing yoga from the safe haven of your living room.

Read more: Yoga: Great online portals for practicing yoga at home

It's never too late for yoga.
It's never too late for yoga.

5 foods that are good to eat before yoga

We present 5 foods that ward off hunger in a healthy way, provide a lot of energy, and can be consumed up to half an hour before yoga.

Read more: 5 foods that are good to eat before yoga

Yoga: Asanas for long and slender legs

A video in which yoga teacher Tara Stiles shows us in a dynamic way how to get slim and long legs and a toned stomach with the help of yoga.

Read more: Asanas for long and slender legs

YoYo Mats – a unique self-folding yoga mat

YoYo Mats are a unique yoga mat that, like the popular bracelets from the 90s, fold on their own. See how the interesting base works and forget once and for all the frustration of rolling up annoying training bases.

Read more: Yo-Yo Mats: a unique yoga mat that folds on its own

Everything is better together, including yoga.
Everything is better together, including yoga.

SmartMat – the first smart yoga mat

The mat is an indispensable accessory of the avid yogi, as the smartphone is an indispensable accessory of the Y generation. devices allow the same level of relaxation as with a trainer.

Read more: SmartMat – the first smart yoga mat

No stress shop - the first yoga equipment store in Ljubljana

No stress shop is the first specialized yoga clothing store in Slovenia.

Read more: No stress shop - the first yoga equipment store in Ljubljana

Do you practice yoga?
Do you practice yoga?

Hotpod Yoga Hackney: An innovative yoga center in London

London's Hotpod Yoga Hackney is a slightly different yoga center. There, we can practice in an inflatable hall that heats up to 37 degrees Celsius.

Read more: Hotpod Yoga Hackney: An innovative yoga center in London

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