
Interview: Magnifico - modern day troubadour

Magnifico, one of the last troubadours of modern times, the last romantic, eternal idealist, hopeless bluffer and depraved voyeur, returns after seven years with the new album Tivoli. Ode to a Ljubljana park is a confessional manifesto dedicated both to Tivoli Park and to the everyday stories that take place in it. But this is not the only story that Magnifico weaves. A supporter of the creative campaign Đelkod, which takes place under the slogan "Man, protect your city, you only have one!", this time he devoted his time to the prevention of vandalism, among other things.

How come you decided to join the social benefit campaign Man of the City of Ljubljana? Were you also part of the "vandalist" scene as a "mulc"?
A non-profit campaign organized by an institution with an extensive infrastructure, such as the City of Ljubljana, is a guarantee that the campaign will be heard and seen. In addition, I really believe that it is necessary to encourage creativity in young people - I want young people to see that the environment itself is creative and suitable for them, and that they can use their free time in other ways than by breaking common property. I myself was never a member of the vandalism scene, but it is true that I come from a block settlement where we often got bored. In the desire to prove and brazen, we broke sockets on blocks. And that's only because they were at head height, and they broke in a really spectacular way - like opening champagne. I grew up on the benches, where we young people sat like sparrows, hung out to music and agreed like lovers: "Let's meet on the benches!". And I'm really sorry that at some point the generations behind us started to destroy these benches. That the cult of hanging out on the benches never recovered. The park is actually a very pleasant place to hang out, so it needs to be protected.

In recent years, vandalism among young people has been on the rise. What do you think is the main reason for this?
Psychologists say young people are frustrated. Most likely, they are disappointed when they look at their parents and see that they do not live like in the movie. That there is no wealth, cars, houses and that everything is not "great". Money and wealth are divided among a large minority, while the vast majority are in need. They don't see the real point in schooling or work, because they see what it brings - a lot of work, no freedom, and even less money. They see their parents in debt and one gets the desire not to do it like them. So then, combined with adolescent hormones, anger, proving and wanting to disrespect authority, the circle is complete.

Where is there more vandalism - among young people in general or among members of certain groups, cliques, such as football hooligans? How would you encourage young people?
I think vandalism is where there is hardship, poverty. I hope that with this campaign we will warn and raise awareness enough, but for a radical change, the social order would have to change. But that probably won't happen any time soon. I am talking about a radical change and not a "make-up" one. It is not okay for a minority to have very much and the majority to have very little.

READ MORE: Magnifico returns with new record Tivoli

What do you think about graffiti - is it part of vandalism or not?
I wouldn't say that graffiti is part of vandalism, at best it's in bad taste. For example, you can write something idiotic, completely uninteresting and unspiritual - I would say to such a person that it is part of spiritual vandalism, I would say to him: "Don't rape me with your lack of talent." But the thing can be very witty or creative and bring pleasure. Even on forbidden surfaces. Of course, the owners of the surfaces do not share the same opinion. But if graffiti has that "something", if it leaves a good thought, then I would not call such a person a vandal, but rather I would order him to turn a bad facade into something interesting and good.

After the international success with the project Montevideo, bog te video you are back with a new single and the album Tivoli. What tracks can we expect this time?
With the Tivoli album, we want to start from the European tradition of popular music. European entertainment music did not originate from blues, rock'n'roll, RnB, soul, all these Anglo-Saxon genres that currently dominate everywhere in the world. The rich European tradition of popular music is actually "schlagers", Italian "canzones" and French chansons. And this is the manner and inspiration with which the record was made - "schlagerski", I call it. This is a song with clear verses and a chorus.

Are there any new concerts on the horizon or even a tour soon with the new Tivoli record?
In May we are going to Spain for the WOMAD (World of Music, Arts and Dance) festival. This is an important festival under the patronage of Peter Gabriel, dedicated to world music, where the door is open for authors like me, that is, someone who does not appear on the MTV charts, but is present in a wider European or global space. At the same time, this is also recognition for my work. Concerts in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Serbia, Italy and Austria follow during the summer.

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