
Interview: Sandi Murovec, skiing guru

Sandi Murovec and Tina Maze

Sandi Murovec - Muri is a name that appears on various occasions. Laymen most often associate him with Tina Maze and the sports clothes in which he dressed the Slovenian Olympic team. But he is not only a co-author of Tina Maze's success story, he also signs the book (Na kanta!) and is one of the best ski demonstrators in the world with turns on white slopes. Did we mention he also makes movies? He is currently fully engaged in the promotion of the documentary 7doUspeha, in which he and the best Slovenian alpine skier of all time reveal the technical details of top skiing.

To start. Can you tell us something about Tina Maze that we don't already know? What was your most memorable moment together?

Above all, you don't know her as an extremely simple, warm and most pleasant girl, with an exceptional feeling for children. She was born to deal with them, and I really sincerely wish her to become a mother herself as soon as possible. As for us, I will always have a lot of moments in my memory. It is difficult to separate them because they are all so intense, special, different..., I don't know, maybe the celebration that took place at her home when she won her first medal at the WC. That's when everything turned around...

Will Tina also prepare for the Golden Fox with your help?

Tina knows what she knows, she doesn't need to prove herself anymore and she doesn't need anyone for the farewell match. Let her make it the way she imagined, I'm talking about the whole event, and we will definitely help her with that.

Sandi Murovec in her "living room".
Sandi Murovec in her 'living room'

Who of today's generation of alpine skiers, in your opinion, has come closest to skiing perfection?

But what is skiing perfection? Of course, there is no definition, but everyone can interpret it in their own way. For me, "completeness" is the one that comes closest to the label skiing perfection. There are no such skiers today, and the last one was Tina. 2414 points says more than all the analysis, all the dissection and all the theories. Well, that's pretty much perfect for me! You can be Hirscher, for example, but you're not perfect if you're 400th in the world in downhill, or let's take the combination, 31st in the world. Let's be clear, Hirscher is a "Martian", but perfection is an infinitely complex concept, so in skiing I am looking for, I repeat, above all the "completeness" of the individual.

Who are you betting on this season?

I think the balance of power has remained the same, but I have a feeling that Hirscher could be beaten by Pinturault.

We can currently watch your film 7doUspeha with Tina Maze in cinemas. Do you already have the next big project planned?

We haven't finished this yet. You will find out when the time is right. For now, I'm enjoying everything about the 7doUspeha movie, and we still have a lot of work to do with foreign translations, presentations, etc.

You have already dressed the Slovenian Olympic team several times. Who dresses you? What clothes do you swear by?

For now, I'm still dressing myself, ha ha. I'm not exactly Beckham, but I think I dress for my energy and lifestyle.

How many days a year do you spend in the snow? At which Slovenian ski resort will we meet you?

About 120 days, worldwide. When I'm at home, you can find me at Krvavec, our best ski resort by far.

Which winter destination would you recommend to families and which to young people looking for skiing?

Ugh, tough question. It's all about money. In Slovenia, we have quite a few good family ski resorts, and it is right that we should use our resources first.

Sandi Murovec and Tina Maze.
Sandi Murovec and Tina Maze

If you could give a recreational skier just one piece of useful advice at the start of the ski season, what would it be?

I will use three sayings: Ski to enjoy yourself. Ski for yourself and not for others - don't perform. Ski in a way that keeps you and everyone around you safe.

Have you ever tried to calculate how many turns you have already made in your life or how many kilometers did you ski?

I am - everything and just right.

Besides skiing, what is the thing in life that makes you perfect and makes you the happiest?

The amazing people that surround me. They are my strength, my inspiration and my mirror. I am not so much proud of my skiing as I am proud of the fact that skiing has brought people to me. I admit, my life is a fairy tale rock'n'roll.

Considering that you do a lot of different things in life, you probably don't have any unfulfilled desires? Or is it?

I have – keep it up!

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Who would you record a duet with if the sky was the limit?

I would be with him, but he wouldn't be with me. Oto Pestner, the one and only. His backup is definitely Michael Bubble - but I'd do a Christmas concert with him, ha, ha.

What are you most proud of in life? What is your biggest challenge?

That I can push the boundaries with my knowledge. Owed nothing to anyone, no uncles from the background.

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