
Interview: Sara Mozetič - the first Slovenian YouTube star

Sara Mozetic

Sara Mozetič is probably not a name that sounds familiar to you, but the Primorka living in Norway is a real YouTube star, and her channel Sara Beauty Corner, which is close to one and a half million subscribers, is a real treasure trove of fashion and other tips. Her videos have a total of almost 120 million views and are clicked by girls from different parts of the world. Are you interested in her recipe for success? So are we.

Why did you exchange life in Slovenia for life in Norway? Did you pursue love, work, or something else?

After finishing the 1st year of master's studies in finance at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana, my boyfriend Tadej and I were offered the opportunity to exchange in Oslo. We finished our studies there and then started looking for a job. I found a job myself at an insurance company in Bergen.

What is a typical day in the life of Sara Mozetič like and what do you miss most about Slovenia in addition to family and friends in Norway?

From Monday to Friday, I work from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and Tadej and I use the afternoons mainly for sports activities, walks and, of course, work on the YouTube channel. Apart from my family, I miss sunny days the most, because Bergen is known for the fact that it rains a lot here. I also really miss my mother's and grandmother's culinary delights and my grandfather's fruit and vegetable garden.

Has the success of your SaraBeautyCorner YouTube channel surprised you? Did you sense it? How do you interpret it?

The success of the YouTube channel undoubtedly surprised me. Especially the fact that things happened so quickly. I didn't expect that. Tadej, who works on the channel all the time and is a master editor, has a lot of credit for this.

You already have almost 1.4 million subscribers. An outstanding number. Do you now feel a greater responsibility towards your followers or do you derive additional motivation from this?

Yes, we feel a greater responsibility now than two years ago. We have set a very high standard for the quality of our videos and we want to positively surprise our viewers with each video. We always strive to make our best video yet. Sometimes we put too much work on ourselves and work on one video for more than a month (hehe). Positive reactions from female viewers are always the best motivation.

Your YouTube channel is literally bursting with ideas and tips. Where do you get them from?

We draw ideas from all around us. Many times we see things in the store and then make them ourselves at home. We constantly discuss new ideas for videos and I always write down good ideas. The bigger problem is finding the time to realize all the ideas.

Sara Mozetič diligently supplies young girls with ideas.
Sara Mozetič diligently supplies young girls with ideas.

When did the spark jump between you and hand parts and who "introduced" you?

As an elementary school student, I decorated the room with my brother and grandmother every December. We made snowflakes, paper chains... Later I also liked making bracelets.

What do you do with all these creations when the camera rolls off? Do you sell them? Give it away? And who is behind the camera?

I give the creations away or keep them for myself. The boy Tadej is always behind the camera.

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What is your next big goal? For the entire Slovenian nation of YouTube subscribers? Maybe a jewelry collection? Video in Norwegian?

We don't think much about future goals. We prefer to focus on making our next video as good as possible, then the subscribers will come by themselves. There won't be a video in Norwegian yet, although the Norwegian viewers are asking me for it. I need to brush up on my Norwegian a bit before that.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to succeed with a YouTube channel?

I would advise, above all, that he should devote himself to the content that he/she is really interested in. In most cases, it takes years for the channel to grow. In the beginning, there is always much more work than there are views and income. People who start YouTube only for fame and money quickly find out that this path is not easy and they run out of motivation. The important thing is that you really enjoy it.

What would the person who likes you the most say about you?

I guess you could ask your parents or boyfriend. Will the boy tell. Tadej: "Sara is the most pleasant, friendly and hardworking girl I have ever met."

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