
Interview: Valentino Kanzyani @HYTE2016 – 22 and 23 July 2016

Before leaving for the HYTE weekend spectacle in Zadar, which will take place between July 22 and 23 on Kolovare beach and in Zadar clubs, we spoke with one of the main stars of the evening. Valentino Kanzyani is a DJ with a two-decade-long and successful career, the founder of the Slovenian techno scene, a producer with many successful releases, a recent member of the Cadenza family and a performer who has many collaborations with well-known foreign artists.

Your Jesus Loved You brand is back in action. What's new and what can we expect?

The news is that two new records are almost out! The Love Reloaded EP by the Manheim talent called Padež and the Exposed EP by the Romanian duo Vinyl Speed Adjust were also released.
The latest one is currently in the works and should remain a secret for now, so that there will be a bigger surprise later.

Valentino Kanzyani
Valentino Kanzyani

The motivation for rebranding comes from the amount of quality music and talented producers I come across in my life and work, as well as my desire to enable lesser known but still very talented artists to release their music.

Are you planning anything new in the future?

Absolutely! We experiment with sound effects like never before. We collaborate with friends and experiment outside the box with techno and house sounds, play with vocals and different instruments... I'm not sure how and when to present this new project to the public, but all the fun is in the creation process! A couple of remixes separate us from the final release. Most of the time I release remixes because someone else sets the release deadline and decides when it needs to be finished and if they are happy with the final product. It is very difficult for me to decide when the creative process is finished, because I always think that something can be improved or changed, and the end result is usually something completely different. In September, I am also preparing my release for the Bla Bla label from Amsterdam.

How do you experience the electronic scene today and where do you see room for progress?

The scene is definitely bigger and richer than ever before. It is not necessarily better quality in terms of quantity, but there is definitely enough room for improvement. More and more young people are attracted to this genre of music. Of course, there wasn't so much low-quality music before, but now it's a global trend that doesn't depend on the genre. It doesn't matter if it's pop or hip-hop. On the other hand, we have a lot of quality music, very quality music, there is more and more eclecticism in sets and crossovers. Those who are really interested in music and do it out of love and passion, research, "browse" in record stores and find amazing and forgotten music that was underground even in its time and sounds even crazier now. All this contributes to diversity, interest and opportunities for DJs to express themselves as they have never been able to before, and the audience always finds something to their taste. (If he has one?! :D)

It is said that Croatia is slowly becoming the new Ibiza as a festival destination and a place for a quality vacation. How do you comment on this considering that you spent a lot of time in Ibiza? Isn't the point of inventing something new and being original?

Ibiza is a specific city with a very long history, it has been partying there since the 60s, but it has never been a festival destination. It is known above all for the fact that on one island there are so many different clubs and different people from old, young, rich, famous, hippies, ravers... All this on the same dance floor. At least that was the case until recently, until they started focusing on VIP boxes and the like. Croatia still has great potential to become the world's strongest festival destination - if it isn't already? With a wide range of different festivals along its beautiful coast, from the mega-commercial Ultra in Split, to small festivals such as Garden in Tisno, Sonus festival and other festivals in Pag, Dimensions and Outlook in Pula, also the upcoming HYTE in Zadar.

Valentino Kanzyani
Valentino Kanzyani

They are all interesting in their own way and appeal to different audiences, which is brilliant. Croatia must not lose this and must work on developing the offer further! Not in terms of numbers, but with the quality of the offer - but he still needs to work on that a bit.

What do you like to eat most when you come to Croatia?

I eat vegan food differently, which is fine with me now. However, I always like to treat myself to freshly caught fish in Croatia. There is nothing like it anywhere in the world. ☺

Can you reveal to us a couple of newcomers to the electronic scene that you think we should focus on?

Duo Sadee (David Nicolas and Sebastian Werle) - great DJs, with whom I had the opportunity to play b2b a few times on the ship at the Sonus festival, then LYE (Loquace, Yamen & Eda) - great producers from France, Vinyl Speed Adjust - duo from Romania, who will soon have a release in Jesus Loved You, and Andrew James Gustav, who is a very original and great DJ.

If you could work with anyone in the world, who would you do it with and why?

With Brian Eno ☺. I want to at least meet him and see how he works and thinks about music. Another candidate is Steve Reich, one of the most interesting classical composers of the last 100 years.

After Ibiza, New York, Barcelona, Amsterdam and many other world metropolises, HYTE is coming to this part of Europe for the first time, namely in Zadar. What do you expect from this party and do you think it is a big thing for a city like Zadar?

I think it's great that such an organization as HYTE comes to Zadar. For the promotion of the city, this is excellent in every way, as HYTE otherwise organizes parties in the most recognizable destinations or meccas of electronic music, such as Berlin, Amsterdam and Ibiza.


Valentino Kanzyani
Valentino Kanzyani

I'm sure it will be unforgettable, I'm playing for them in Ibiza at the Amnesia club shortly after the HYTE event in Zadar and I'm really looking forward to the first meeting in Zadar.

What is your message for the partygoers and visitors of the HYTE event in Zadar on July 22 and 23?

Love each other and spread the love on the dance floor. Don't attack girls, hehe, but be considerate, civil and tolerant of each other. Help if you see someone feeling down and spread positive vibes.

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