
IntoSomeThinG? "The Last Supper" by Dj Ki(c)ks with Wolf + Lamb & Soul Clap

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Important information
Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
via Eventim €12.50, with a flyer €15, without everything €16

The night when the lambs remain whole, the wolves are full, and the shepherds are tired!

A story for a better night


It has been ten springs and a whole bunch of bright nights and sunny mornings since our first sin-filled hedonistic parties began on I dig. After the local crucifixion (read too fast "amoral" infiltration for the local community at the time), we, expelled from the mountain lair, embarked on a 10-year, almost crusade, in search of new, as yet undiscovered culinary pleasures, the juiciest host, and the ultimate drink from the holy the grail.


With bellies behind bread, we have traveled a thousand and one gastronomic miles in the fight for the most diverse and delicious spicy cuisine. Thus, the beautiful aromas brought us from the Pohorje heights to the temple of underground gourmet meals, v Club K4. The beautiful world, which is only a cellar during the day, is for us 28 December 2002 served thousands of prestigious and memorable courses. From evening sophisticated slow-foods and good "moods", nights of eclectic tastings and morning manipulations, Roman debauchery and embraced brothers, to the most original Sunday attempts to make the post-weekend aggregate state as difficult as possible to digest, local society or nature.


On The Last Supper all exhibitionists, pacifists, moralists and hedonists, all those who need purification, those with crosses and pentagrams, star trails, all those who need nostalgia or just stupid nonsense are invited, in short, everyone who amuses you with the question of what happens when the lambs fall silent. Who will be the wolf, who will be the she-wolf, who will be in lamb's clothing and who will be the naked lamb, we will leave it up to you. Be what you can dress or undress in, you name it, or you prefer to bake. The diocese would offer you an unfavorable credit for "bread" for the last supper, but we can promise you that with us you will once again be carefree, hedonistic and in your own way all will be forgiven.


Why Last Supper? Because dinner is usually in the evening, and can drag on late into the night. Because it did! Because the last lunch doesn't sound so convincing. And because the Last Supper is never really the last…



The night when the lambs remain whole, the wolves are full, and the shepherds are tired!


On Friday, April 29, as part of the world tour for the release of theirs !k7 DJ Kicks compilation on Last Suppers a 7-hour exclusive "nu-house" treat awaits  

Wolf + Lamb (New York) vs. Soul Clap (Boston)


Just when we were getting a little pessimistic that the instant microwave culture has prevailed over the good old values of universal culinary love, the masters who still know how to do it and because of it are more valid every day descended on our menu as if from above.


So, in the peak of spring, in the middle of festive pies and hams and during the May Day abundance, New York's "finest taste makers" will rock us, directly from the most elite dance floors in Berlin, Moscow, London, Paris and Brussels. Wolf + Lamb, led by executive chef Zev Eisenberg and his “saucier” Gadi Mizhari, and the Boston sommelier team of Eli Goldstein and Charles Levine, even moree known as Soul Clap. We will not waste words about them, because their production exceeds the possibility of consumption and you can easily check their many masterpieces on the global web or the links below. But we can only say their common life motto: "free your mind, and your ass will follow".


With this line-up, we guarantee you an all-night line-up of top performers "slow-motion" specialties, and impeccable service will, as usual, be provided by the already introduced IntoSomeThinG? the team. To make sure that all the "family members" will be seated at the round table, you can get a ticket in advance through the Eventima sales network, as for the comfort of all visitors this time the capacities will be limited to only 500 eaters (including g. list)!.


On The Last Supper don't forget to bring a bunch of spices and a flower of salt, so that on the first Friday of May we will break everything but bread together and once again unite everyone who believed with us from the very beginning that above (and below) 1500 meters there really is no sin! Until then, go in peace, thank our God it will be 29.04 reigned among us again  "Joke + Small".


Tickets are on sale via Eventima €12.50, with a leaflet €15, without everything €16. In the event that tickets are sold out prior to the event, we will notify you via all standard media channels.


PS As befits the final event, a new-age manuscript was created for this night from the hands of illustrator and designer Ana Baraga. Additional visual and musical excesses are also being prepared, with which we want to end the story in Club K4 even more beautifully.





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