
Invitation: Cooking Academy - City CHEF - December pampering

city chef - decembrsko razvajanje
city chef - December indulgence

The time of joy, socializing with friends and culinary indulgence is coming. You are welcome to apply. The number of places is limited.

Important information
Showroom BSH Household appliances (Siemens active kitchen)
Facebook event
Entrance fee

At this year's cooking academy, we will provide some hints that will serve as inspiration for your festive culinary masterpieces. We will prepare a mosaic of cold appetizers, beef fillet in pepper sauce with truffle puree, macaroons and much more. December is also the time of selflessness, so we will support the Cake for Amnesty project with dessert.

Hurry, the number of places for applications is limited.

About City CHEF Academy

S City CHEF cooking academy, we want to show people that cooking can be fast, healthy and, above all, fun! For this we need good, quality ingredients, useful tips and interesting advice, good wine, a pinch of love and, of course, good company! So, welcome to our company, to the active kitchen Siemens, where we will be under the tutelage Kaval's master chefs spoil your senses with new, interesting tastes, which we will complement with appropriate wines.

 Applications are closed!

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