
iPhone: 9 ways to get more space on your phone

There is never enough space on smartphones. They only have so much internal memory, and even that is often not what it claims to be. Yes iPhone, we're looking at you and your 16 GB. Therefore, it is wise to use what we have wisely. Let's look at some simple ways that our memory can lose a few "pounds" to cope with new challenges.

The iPhone, as well as other smartphones, is like a living organism. They need care, otherwise it will start quickly running out of space for data, programs and applications, which can be very inconvenient. Especially because us critical condition it usually catches the unprepared and we have to decide on the spot, without strategy, what is to shoot and what is not. "Under pressure" can be kicked past and later regretted. But luckily, there are ways to get your iPhone into the habit of watching your kilos, sorry, megabytes and gigabytes. But before that, it has to be brought back into shape. Let's see how.

Check what takes up the most space

Check who is together the most?
Check who is together the most?

By making a pilgrimage from General through Usage to Manage Storaga (memory management) you can lighten the phone by quite a bit of space, because you will discover who it is the biggest glutton. At the top you'll see how much space you've already used and how much space you still have available, and below you'll find a list of apps ranked according to how much space they take up. Reassess if they justify the space they have chosen and (not) take action accordingly.

Attention, application data!

It's not all about app size.
It's not all about app size.

The number you see below Manage Storage means the size of the app itself plus data, which they create to function (e.g. maps download images, browsers store passwords, etc.). The latter is key information, because applications may seem small on the outside, but "the devil is in the details", as they can download many files. The Spotify app has e.g. only 56 MB. But if you have a lot of music loaded, the thing gets busy much more space. With a database of 400 songs, this means the occupation of approx. 1 GB. In memory manager you can see the comparison between application size and uploaded files within it.

Wipe down games that collect dust

Get rid of games that no longer take up your time.
Get rid of games that no longer take up your time.

Many games are small, but because 3D graphics they actually take up well over 1GB of space. In addition, you probably have one on your phone that you have already flipped or that you no longer play. Candy Crush, Angry Birds? It's time for them delete. You can do this within Manage Storago. And don't worry, if they ever grab you again, you can get them through iTunes reload. However, it is true that this will not bring back your past results either.

Remove old podcasts and recordings

Get rid of old podcasts and recordings.
Get rid of old podcasts and recordings.

You will really listen to all those audio content and looked at all those video files, which you ordered from the software client (iTunes) to give you them automatically loads to your phone? Okay, maybe, but the 30-minute audio series you are subscribed to can take up to 25 MB. Which is not unreadable, but if you invite a bunch of them, the house will be full quickly (even sooner if it's recordings). That's why we recommend Apple's Podcast app (The podcast app), which contents sort and already played ones are stored at the bottom of the list. Just slide them to the left to make the phone lighter.

Make messages have expiration dates

This recording will be destroyed in five, four, three,...
This recording will be destroyed in five, four, three,…

With the operating system iOS 8 you can now delete old messages automatically. If you like to walk through old conversations, don't do it, but do you really need year-old correspondence? If not, then the best option to get rid of the text spam is to go to Settings > Messages, and under Keep Message you choose 30 days, 1 year,... Autumn cleaning will be like this less time consuming, as if you tackle the issues manually, one by one. In the future, you can also determine how long the phone should keep audio and video messages. It can self destruct after two minutes of playback or never.

Use Google+ or Dropbox for photos to keep the wolf fed and the goat whole

Let photos live in the clouds.
Let photos live in the clouds.

With the growth of screens and improved image quality, phones have also become unique over the years photo albums, so it's understandable that we want to have as many pictures on it as possible to show off. But this quickly bogs down our memory. And because we know how difficult it is to part with them, we offer a solution where on the phone make room, at the same time keep all photos. The best way is to save the recorded photo material to the cloud. We therefore connect the phone to the cloud storage (Google+, Dropbox,…) and enable automatic copying of photos in the settings. We recommend Google+ because it offers unlimited space for photos smaller than 2048 x 2048 pixels (meaning anything your phone takes) and videos shorter than 15 minutes. And it's free. So just download the Google+ app, create a Google account (if you don't already have one) and select under settings Auto Backup. Please note that copying takes place via wifi- yes, otherwise the amount of the bill at the end of the month can throw you on your ass. And if you don't like Google, they're always here Apple iCloud and the aforementioned Dropbox.

Stop sharing photos between your iOS devices

Photo Stream is a convenient service, but it requires a lot of space. But does its positive side justify the consumption of MB/GB?
Photo Stream is a convenient service, but it requires a lot of space. But does its positive side justify the consumption of MB/GB?

Use of the Service Photo Stream it can be very wasteful of space. Automatic synchronization the last thousand photos located on various Apple devices means that the phone actually saves the same photo twice. So 1 GB is actually 2 GB. If therefore there is no mad need to be iPads and iPhones share everything immediately, turn off Photo Stream. Go under settings, find Photos & Camera and turn it off My Photo Stream.

READ MORE: How to properly care for your smartphone battery

Save only HDR photos

With HDR photos, you won't even smell the classic ones anymore.
With HDR photos, you won't even smell the classic ones anymore.

You saved a lot of space with tips 6 and 7, but you can save even more with photos. You may have noticed that the iPhone saves two versions of the same photo. This means that the HDR (high-dynamic-range) function is activated. This type of painting technique is intended for photography in low light conditions or with many shadows. If you choose this option, then there is no need to save the normal version, which is not knee-deep in HDR. Go to Settings > Photo & Camera and at the bottom, uncheck it Keep Normal Photo.

Music streaming

Streaming is music to your ears when you want to save space on your phone for something other than music.
Streaming is music to your ears when you want to save space on your phone for something other than music.

For as long as there has been a music streaming service (streaming), you no longer need it save tracks on the device itself. Download only the albums you love and stream the rest. If it is your choice iTunes, log in to iTunes Match. For approx. You can have 20 euros a year in your music library located in the cloud, any song. You can also "physically" download any song (or even an entire artist's album) to your phone from there by "tapping" on the icon right next to it.

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