
Is this photo Bill Murray or Tom Hanks?

Tom Hanks or Bill Murray?

The web is divided. Is this photo Bill Murray or Tom Hanks? Which famous actor imitates a crying baby? Can you guess?

He is in this photo Bill Murray or Tom Hanks? Truth be told, we've known the answer since in 2013, when the photo was first published, namely on the Facebook page Reasons My Son is Crying, yet people still argue about it, who is really in the photo.

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Tom Hanks or Bill Murray, that is the question.
Tom Hanks or Bill Murray, that is the question.

If your answer was Tom Hanks, you guessed wrong because, as the mother of the crying baby confirmed, Laura DiMichele-Ross, the photo features Bill Murray and was taken by her husband Adam at a golf tournament in October 2012. In 2014, Murray also signed this photo when he reunited with his family.

Gallery - Bill Murray or Tom Hanks?

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