
Is his lack of talent between the sheets a valid reason to break up?

Photo: IG @onlylovemood

He is the perfect man in everything but intimate moments.

When you meet a man who is smart, handsome, funny and caring, you probably want to keep him for life. But he wasn't exactly the best in bed.

You wanted something more. Something different. He does not meet the criteria you have set for your lover.

Based on this problem, you have to decide whether to give him a chance to continue the relationship because of all his other qualities, or to leave him because of his disastrous performance in bed.

Don't feel guilty

Many people analyze a relationship in terms of their sex life. If you are one of them, there is no need to feel guilty when you want to end the relationship for any reason. Remember that sex is an important part of any relationship, it stimulates the release of endorphins that make you feel connected to each other, and regular sex increases this.


If the part about sex bothers you, talk to him about it. Try to explain to him that you like him and that he has many good qualities. Be as sophisticated as possible. First tell him everything you like about him, then tell him what bothers you.

He will realize that you are trying to tell him something important, and compliments will soften the painful truth for him. Try to be specific and only tell him one or two things at a time that you don't like or he will feel really bad.

His reaction

If he accepts your criticism and starts working harder to please you in bed, the purpose of the conversation has been achieved. But if he doesn't try at all, that's a bad sign.

If he doesn't even want to know what it is that would make you more comfortable with him, think about it. If he doesn't make an effort, that is, if there is no change, then maybe you should consider leaving him.

And here we are no longer just talking about sexuality, but about the character of a man. A man with such an attitude is not suitable for a good healthy relationship. You can leave it without a bad conscience.

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