
Is marriage really worth the risk? A conversation with a divorce attorney reveals some shocking truths

A divorce lawyer reveals the reasons why marriages fail.

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How many times have you heard that marriage is "the most beautiful thing in the world"? But is it true? Divorce attorney James Sexton, who has worked with the wealthy, athletes and celebrities for more than two decades, reveals the dark side of married life. With shocking divorce stories involving bizarre prenuptial agreements and secret lives, it forces us to ask ourselves: is marriage really worth the risk? Is marriage really worth the risk?

Is marriage really worth the risk? Marriage is supposed to be a temple of love, but it often turns out to be a battlefield. The statistics are cruel – 56 % marriages ends in divorce, which means that the chance of failure is more than half. Even more surprising is that 86 % people, who get divorced, remarries within five years. Why are we so inclined to take this risk when we know it could lead to disaster?

The main reason for divorce: lack of sexual intimacy

James Sexton reveals that most marriage problems revolve around two things - money and sex. Lack of sexual intimacy is most often the main reason for the breakup of a marriage. When a couple stops being physically connected, other problems such as dissatisfaction, anger and resentment often start to accumulate.

Sexuality is what distinguishes marriage from mere cohabitation. When it disappears, the marriage becomes just a formality. That is why people find themselves in a spiral of accusations and misunderstandings, which can lead to infidelity. Sexton emphasizes that infidelity is not always the cause of divorce, but rather the result of pre-existing problems that the couple has not resolved.

Prenuptial Agreements – Reasonable or Cruel?

James Sexton shares surprising stories about the prenuptial agreements couples sign. One of the most shocking contained a clause that stipulated that the wife would lose for every 5 kilograms she gained 10,000 dollars monthly alimony. Although it seems inhumane, the contract was legally valid. This raises the question: is marriage really as unconditional love as we imagine, or is it a business deal?

Money, fraud and marriage breakdown

The issue of money is often at the heart of problems in a marriage. However, cheating is often the result of emotional or physical dissatisfaction. In Sexton's experience, men cheat more often because of dissatisfaction with their sex life. However, cheating is only a symptom of deeper problems, which can range from a lack of intimacy to unresolved conflicts. The secret of a successful marriage is in "preventive maintenance" - regularly checking whether both partners are happy and fulfilled.

Is marriage still attractive?

Despite the high divorce rate and failed relationships, marriage is still attractive to most people. Perhaps due to social expectations or a desire for security and belonging. But Sexton warns that we need to be realistic and open to talking about uncomfortable topics like prenuptial agreements, money and sex life.

How to prevent marriage breakdown?

The key to a successful marriage is communication. Sexton emphasizes the importance of “preventive maintenance” – talking about problems before they become insurmountable. Small gestures like a love note in the morning can keep the spark in a relationship alive. It is also important that couples do not compare themselves to others, as we often live in the illusion of perfect relationships presented by social networks.

Conclusion:Marriage is a risk that most people cannot resist, despite the dangers it brings. It's like skydiving - full of excitement and fear at the same time. But, as James Sexton says, the key to success is being willing to talk openly about difficult topics before problems build up to the point where they become unmanageable. Otherwise, you risk finding yourself in a situation where the marriage will fall apart due to a lack of intimacy, communication and mutual respect.

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