
Is this photo proof that Nessie the sea monster really exists?


It's the same with the Nessie monster as it is with UFOs. Most photos of them are blurry, even today, despite the great cameras we have, so they should be taken with a grain of salt. Nevertheless, they diligently feed our imagination about the possibility of the existence of aliens. It is similar to the monster from the Scottish Loch Ness lake, which is otherwise considered a fictional creature and, along with Bigfoot and the Yeti, is one of the most famous enigmas in the field of cryptozoology, that is, the biological science of the existence of animal species that has not yet been proven. But now we may have the first solid proof that Nessie is not a myth. Is this photo proof that Nessie the sea monster really exists?

Is this photo proof that the monster Nessie does it really exist? On Scotland's Loch Ness tourists flock to see the legendary lake monster Nessie. Until now, we have witnessed many mostly blurry photos (the most famous image of Nessie is from 1934, which later turned out to be untrue, otherwise we just list 1081 'views' humans) that hinted at the existence of monsters and fueled the human imagination (and Scottish tourism).

A famous photo, which later turned out to be untrue.
A famous photo, which later turned out to be untrue.

Now the first real one comes from Scotland a clear shot of a possible Nessie. A 59-year-old American caught her in the facilities while hunting a deer Ian Bremner, who allegedly only noticed Nessie while looking through photos at home.

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"Usually I'm a bit skeptical and think it's just a tourist thing, but this time I'm starting to believe that something actually exists. When I saw it on my screen I was like - what the hell is that? Sometimes you see things even though you know there's nothing there,” Bremner accompanied the photo. Anacondas don't live in Scotland, do they?

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