
Is this the world's most desperate military orchestra? Listen to how he gets embarrassed while playing hymns!

Egyptian Military Orchestra

The military orchestra is often the one that honors the visit of a high-ranking foreign guest with an anthem. They are considered one of the best in the world. But not Egyptian. As the anthems are played by the Egyptian military band, it can be anything but an honor for the Egyptians. Watch the priceless reactions of statesmen while listening to what is probably the worst rendition of their national anthem in history. Laughter guaranteed!

What a shame! Is this the most desperate brass band in the world? Egyptian Military Orchestra apparently he doesn't practice very much. How else to interpret theirs playing different hymns at receptions high representatives of foreign countries, which is more than torture to the instruments and ears of the listeners.

READ MORE: A military helicopter lands in the middle of the road to ask the pilot for directions

He also disfigured the French Marseillaise.
He also disfigured the French Marseillaise.

When listening to their performance of the national anthem, you will sore ears, and looking at the reactions of statesmen, you will mouth spread into a smile. Sometimes it's hard to recognize which melody it is. They sound downright desperate. Do they have old musical instruments? Can't tune them? Do they just not care? Whatever the reason, Egypt cannot be an orchestra in honor. Hear how they destroyed German, Russian and other hymns and negatively surprised with their mismatch and desperate sound Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin and others.

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