
iterative evening about Kuci with Urban Vovko and Marko Trobevšek

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Modrijan's bookshop, Ljubljana
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Kece, Kuci or something else? It doesn't matter, Fr To JM Coetzee everyone knows that he is the most famous South African writer and probably the most widely read of the Nobel laureates of the last decade. Coetzee's most famous novels have also been translated into Slovenian: In the heart of the country, Waiting for the barbarians, The enemy, both Booker Prize-winning books – The Life and Times of Michael K. and Shame, and finally Boy of the year, Youth and Summer, an autobiographical trio that Coetzee linked into an autobiographical trilogy last year Scenes From Provincial Life – Scenes from rural life.


The writer is special for us in another way: he is one of the few, if not the only living foreign writer, whose work was the subject of a Slovenian study. Literary critic, essayist and translator Urban Vovk it was last year, shortly after the release of the Slovenian translation Summers (Modrijan), published a study entitled Really unbearable seriousness!? Three essays on Kuci (LUD Literature).


So it's about time for a presentation in Modrijan's bookstore!


LUD Literature and the publishing house Modrijan invite you to a literary evening, which will be on Tuesday, June 12, at 6 p.m. in Modrijan's bookstore. "What is autrebiography?" the author of the study will try to explain Urban Vovk and editor of the latter part of the autobiography Marko Trobevšek, and she will connect the conversation Petra Koršič.


Kece, Kuci or something else? It doesn't matter, Fr To JM Coetzee everyone knows that he is the most famous South African writer and probably the most widely read of the Nobel laureates of the last decade. Coetzee's most famous novels have also been translated into Slovenian: In the heart of the country, Waiting for the barbarians, The enemy, both Booker Prize-winning books – The Life and Times of Michael K. and Shame, and finally Boy of the year, Youth and Summer, an autobiographical trio that Coetzee linked into an autobiographical trilogy last year Scenes From Provincial Life – Scenes from rural life.


The writer is special for us in another way: he is one of the few, if not the only living foreign writer, whose work was the subject of a Slovenian study. Literary critic, essayist and translator Urban Vovk it was last year, shortly after the release of the Slovenian translation Summers (Modrijan), published a study entitled Really unbearable seriousness!? Three essays on Kuci (LUD Literature).


So it's about time for a presentation in Modrijan's bookstore!


LUD Literature and the publishing house Modrijan invite you to a literary evening, which will be on Tuesday, June 12, at 6 p.m. in Modrijan's bookstore. "What is autrebiography?" the author of the study will try to explain Urban Vovk and editor of the latter part of the autobiography Marko Trobevšek, and she will connect the conversation Petra Koršič.

You are welcome!

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