
It is better to be calm than to be right: 20 rules of a happy life

"Perfect happiness is a mosaic that we put together throughout our lives." - Jim Rohn

Someone needs a villa by the sea and a luxury car for happiness, while someone simply wants to love and be loved.

Regardless of how someone understands the concept of happiness, you should remember that everything is in your hands, and that if you focus on the goal and put some effort into it - everything you want can be achieved.

Here are 20 tips to help you on your way to a happy life.

1. Remember that you don't owe anyone anything.

2. Remember that no one owes you anything either.

3. Avoid arguments. It's better to be on good terms than to be right.

4. Always count on yourself in life.

5. Avoid communication with fools.

6. Don't scramble for money.

7. Live today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may not come.

8. If you are guilty, say so immediately and do not look for excuses.

9. Always keep in mind that everyone has their own truth, and it often doesn't match yours.

10. If you are in a bad mood, imagine that when you die, you won't even have her.

Always count on yourself in life.

11. Don't watch too much TV (scientifically proven to weaken the immune system).

12. Try to extract satisfaction from every event.

13. Always remember that you have no other life.

14. The most important thing in life is love, everything else is vanity.

15. All your problems, problems are only in your head.

16. The world around you is neither good nor bad, it doesn't care if you exist in it or not.

17. Don't get involved in politics, politics make people mean.

18. Don't believe in promises, but in your feelings.

19. With women it is like with children, be patient and a little humble.

20. Know - today is the best day of your life.

Follow these simple rules and you will find that you are the master of your life and that only you can decide which path you will take.

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