
It is not enough that he loves you, it is important that he also shows it to you

It is not enough that he loves you, it is important that he also shows it to you

How many times have you found yourself in a situation, be it a romantic, family or friendship relationship, where you felt like the person didn't love you enough, despite constantly assuring you otherwise? Then where does this feeling come from? Relationships are not and will never be easy. They involve a whole lot of anticipation and the merging of two different stories that sometimes stumble over each other. However, in the end, what matters most is how you feel about the relationship. Sometimes it's not enough that a person loves you, it's important that they show it to you.

Many know the situation, when they didn't feel loved enough. It's especially hard when the other person claims it's not true...and loves you. Nevertheless feeling, that something is wrongthat you are sad and alone, still remains in you and further confuses you. What's going on here?

It often does for the difference between actions and assertions. Sometimes it's not enough that a person loves you, it's important that they show it to you. If the person doesn't put you in a similar place on theirs list of priorities, as she stands by you, then you have rightfully feeling, that she doesn't care enough – regardless of what he tells you.

Feelings are important, even if our partner says otherwise.
Feelings are important, even if our partner says otherwise.

From what situations can there be completely justified feelings that someone doesn't love you enough? Such feelings can come to the fore in the following cases - when you always make time for the other personto see each other. When you give up your desires, so that you can maintain a relationship with this person. You often feel if you the other person is not listening, that he doesn't bother to put himself in your shoes and he doesn't acknowledge your feelings.

What to do? It is important to realize that you have every right to trust your feelings and that in the long run it doesn't matter what the other person provides you, but how you feel. Your emotions will tell you what to do next!

Actions matter.
Actions matter.

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