
It is not wise to play with them: people born in summer are…

It is not wise to play with them: people born in summer are...

Astrologers claim that we are not only determined by the positions of the stars and planets, but that we are also influenced by the time of year in which we are born. The influence of climate, temperature and other factors on the child is also studied by many scientific disciplines - and they found that people born in the summer...

In addition to astrology, the influence that the environment has on our various qualities (from personal, emotional, physical, psychological, etc.) also deal with many scientific branches - many things are still unknown, especially how the climate affects us prenatally. What is already somewhat explored, si you can read below!

People born in summer are…

Maybe you're taller.

Some of them studies have shown that children born in the summer months have slightly more hernias and are larger at birth. This does not mean that these children are also taller later. However, the same study found that children born in summer are actually more likely to be taller as adults than children born in other months.

Maybe you're taller.
Maybe you're taller.

Perhaps you have a more balanced biorhythm.

If you have a dog, you might sometimes wonder how he knows exactly when he needs to get his dinner, without which you wouldn't be able to figure out how the hands of the urinal are positioned. Even humans have an internal clock, a biorhythm. This research conducted tests on mouse pups and found that those mice born in the summer months have a clearer internal clock and regulate their behavior more precisely. Here, however, it should be noted that we should not simply assume that if something is true for mice, the same is true for humans. Scientists will have to deal with this question!

You're less likely to get seasonal affective disorder.

Seasonal mood disorder is a phenomenon in which people experience periods of depression that are strongly linked to the seasons - usually winter. One of the possible reasons why this disorder occurs less often among people born in the summer months is that they are exposed to a considerable amount of sunlight as babies, which has a positive effect on our mood.

People born in winter are more likely to develop seasonal affective disorder.
People born in winter are more likely to develop seasonal affective disorder.

You change your mood faster.

Researchers have found that there is a link between the time of year of birth and temperament in later years. People born in spring have been found to have a temperament that reflects more frequent mood swings.

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