
It's Not Your Fault: 10 Reasons Why Men Run From Women They Really Love

You can't make anyone love you. You can only make yourself a person worthy of love. - Derek Gamba

An emotionally stable woman has a harder time finding a partner. Although she gives men a chance, relationships fail because they can't handle her intensity. Not all men are strong enough to withstand the love of a deep woman.

What are such men afraid of? What kind of woman is that?

1. Asks direct questions and does not allow superficial conversation

Even on the first date, he does not hesitate to ask his partner personal and philosophical questions.

2. She is sincere

He responds with honest answers and expects the same from his partner.

3. He knows what he wants

She doesn't need research dating to understand what kind of man she wants when she meets him - she just knows.

4. He wants deep relationships

She wants to talk with her partner for a long time about her past, fears and joys and make his life better. He expects much more from the relationship than just fun.

5. He is not afraid of intimacy

She does not hide from being hurt, nor does she think that her partner will take away her freedom and make her vulnerable.

Not all men are strong enough to withstand the love of a deep woman.

6. He sees and knows

She quickly learns what a man is like and what makes him vulnerable. Even if a man feels uncomfortable, he doesn't hide who he is. She knows what she is like and wants to show herself in the right light. He doesn't want games and pretending.

7. Craves consistency

Inconsistency and games extinguish her passion. He knows that the path to a strong and successful relationship leads through consistency.

8. She is intense

She realizes that she can be a bit pushy at times because her thoughts and emotions are so strong. She cares about everything, there is nothing she is indifferent to. Not all men can handle this intensity.

9. Love deeply

If a man does not love her deeply, he leaves. She does not want superficial relationships, or she is in a relationship, or she considers this person a friend, for her there is no third option when it comes to love. She knows when someone is only half-hearted and withdraws from such a relationship.

10. It doesn't wait forever

If a man is indecisive and hesitant to give himself to her, she will not wait for him. She is too passionate and strong to spend her emotions on someone who doesn't want her enough. If he can't have a special kind of love, he prefers solitude.

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