
It is not your job to "fix" those who hurt you!

Photo: envato

Life lessons are sometimes hard to learn and we repeat them, and as long as we repeat them, it means we haven't really learned them. So what happens is that you enter a relationship and ignore the warning signs, hoping that the person will improve so that your love can improve them. But that won't happen.

Instead, what you already suspected happened - he hurt you. It could be a scam, false promises, manipulation, lack of love... Anything can happen, but the bottom line remains the same - you're left with a broken heart.

What you need to do in such a situation is yes get out of such a relationship. Even though you think you have the strength to overcome anything and stay in this relationship. With the hope that the person will change, even though they have already hurt you.

You have no obligation to fix him, whether he hurt you or not, it all depends on that person, not you, because if you do, you will only be hurting yourself.


You have to learn that you are not obliged to save or fix anyone, form, and especially not someone who has hurt you. And this doesn't just apply to relationships, but to anyone in your life – parents, siblings, friends…

Your desire to make amends with someone who has wronged you will lead you to be hurt again and again. Such a person does not deserve a second chance, because the second chance often turns out to be a mistake. If a person has hurt you once, they will hurt you again.

If someone deserves a second chance, you will see it after a change in behavior, a permanent change, not going back to the old patterns that hurt you. The sad truth is, yes you can never save anyone but yourself. You can't fix anyone but yourself. It's hard to change!


Love means accepting someone with all their flaws, accepting them as they are. But that doesn't mean accepting the things that hurt you. Love is not if you are hurt, if you suffer, if you think you have to fix something. If someone keeps hurting you, it's not love.

The question is why do you need to save him despite all the wounds he has inflicted on you? Is this really love? Is rescue part of your pattern of behavior with loved ones? Ask yourself why this is so.

Think about what love is and isn't, as well as why you have a certain understanding of love. You don't owe anyone anything, you don't owe anyone anything to fix, save, or sacrifice for anyone. You owe it to yourself.

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