
This is the most "Instagrammed" location in the world and it's not what you expect

This is the most "Instagrammed" location in the world and it's not what you expect

The Eiffel Tower, Buckingham Palace, Cappadocia... These are just a few locations around the world that have impressed Instagram users in recent years. Which one managed to drive the world crazy?

Tourists are still quite enthusiastic about to the Eiffel Tower, they also visit more and more often Buckingham Palace and they hope to meet the royal family, and last year they didn't even miss the magic Cappadocia … but none of these popular locations do did not make the list The 10 most Instagrammed locations in the world.

Online luggage storage network (in countries where they offer services, you can securely lock your luggage in their premises) Stasher it analyzed 99 world destinations, namely how successful the content was on the Instagram social network, associated with a specific location. They checked 200 posts that were tagged with a destination badge and likes were used for the calculation levels of involvement (English engagement).

They came to the conclusion that it is the most "Instagrammed" location in the world is the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, whose inclusion (engagement) is evaluated with a grade 10, and the post of users tagged with the museum tag had an average 340 likes. This is not even unusual, as the museum is considered a popular cultural institution in Amsterdam to visit a permanent collection of hundreds of paintings and drawings, showing all of Vincent's moods. The collection also includes his works contemporaries and friends and many letters.

And what are the other locations that are included in the list of the 10 most "instagrammed" locations in the world?

2. Matterhorn, Switzerland

3. Grand Bazaar, Turkey

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Kanka, how much?

A post shared by Dean Ariel (@deantravel) he

4. Central Park, USA

5. Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

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Yesterday I drove approximately 500 km across Austria with a stopover in Germany! And all for the sake of fulfilling my grandmother's dream! И сегодня можно испольню еще одно! So... I found out not so long ago that my grandmother has a dream! Neuschwanstein Castle! The thing is that my super active grandmother used to like to collect puzzles (2/3/5000 parts), and this particular castle came across very often, and she knew exactly what it looked like from the outside! Since then, there was a desire to see him from the inside! Grandmother read all the books about this Neuschwanstein and Louis II, who built it, and kept this dream for a long time, until she accidentally told me! I was somewhat surprised by such information, but what wouldn't you do for the best grandmother in the world? И вот мы здесь! The castle is simply extraordinary! Ludovik 2 – a genius recognized as crazy! I couldn't hold back and touch the doors and walls, even though it was closed! I'll write a whole post about this place, but not about it! Yesterday, one fulfilled dream became more. When we reached the hotel, I collapsed on the bed without strength, but I was very happy! Friends, learn from your loved ones about dreams and fulfill them! Это ведь такой кайф – делать другие счастьюми! And most importantly, dream more yourself, because dreams tend to come true! Всех люблю, я в горах, я дома…..

A post shared by Anna Golitsyna (@anya_golitsyna) he

6. Puy du Fou, France


7. The Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, USA


8. Blue Lagoon, Iceland

9. Plaza de España, Spain

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📍 Seville

A post shared by Beatriz Bajo (@beatrizzbajo) he

10. Wat Pho, Thailand

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wat pho are nice this place

A post shared by Jemima James Wei (@jemmawei) he

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