
This is the only way to truly know if someone is the "love of your life"

"Being deeply loved gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." – Lao Tzu

Almost every person has a different opinion on how to know if the person you are with is truly the love of your life. For some it's a feeling of chemistry, for others it's intimate relationships or friendship wrapped in romance.

But most of them believe that love confuses us, that we will have an incredibly strong feeling that will hint to us how special this person is. We will know deep in our hearts that we are with the right person to spend the rest of our lives with.

This is perhaps the most confusing explanation of all, because anyone who has ever fallen deeply in love and lost love knows that the feeling of "you just know" is not always reliable.

So how can you tell if someone is truly the love of your life or just another passing face that you will love for a while and then disappear from your life?

What does "the love of your life" mean?

The love of your life is not someone you think will tick all the boxes on your ideal partner list. He is not the person who will make you smile all the time or the one who tells you that they are soul mates. While these are all great signs, they are not enough for you.

The love of your life is what allows you to become the best version of yourself. The person who builds you up, who trusts you to be who you are and supports you unconditionally in all stages of life. This is a person who is always honest with you, even when it hurts. That person who recognizes the faults in both and is still committed to the relationship.

The love of your life is the person whose support never wavers, no matter how exciting or rough the seas. He always believes in you, even when you don't believe in yourself. She's got your back through the tough times and inspires you to do better—not for her, but for yourself.

The love of your life is the person who doesn't hold on to you too much - not because they don't love you, but because they know that you have to really love someone to let them go. He knows how important it is to be able to grow as a person, and he never wants to hold you back from realizing your true potential.

He wants you to be happy. And that is exactly what allows you to stay together no matter what - because she is open with you and you with her. Your love is not selfish. It is simply pure, tender and true love.

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