
It's time to finally let go of a man who doesn't care about you

"A man is like a river, but a woman is like a lake." - Kurdish proverb

It is admirable to forgive people who have wronged you. But why do you forgive and accept actions just to have a man come back into your life that you can't get over? When all is said and done, nothing can change. He doesn't think about you anymore. It's time to move on.

Why is it time to forget a man you are not interested in?

1. You invested too much time in it

You've done everything to make things work with him, but the problem is that he's not doing the same for you. There is a line and you are the only one who can draw it. Pull her!

2. You deserve someone better

At this moment, it is hard for you to imagine that there is a man out there who will like you. One who will adore you. It exists, it exists, but you won't find it until you're done and close the door with this man who doesn't care about you and move on with your life.

3. You are too attached to him

You think that this relationship that doesn't even exist is your relationship and you think that the second you find someone else, you will be able to love and move on with your life with another man. That's not how it works. There is still an attachment between you two, but if he isn't attached to you, why would you be in? End this attachment.

4. It drains your energy

You still think there's a chance you two can continue your relationship. You're thinking they didn't even fight or something. Your emotions are momentarily filled with pain and sorrow. They come from you like a kind of sad fountain of tears that fills every hour. Why waste your time and energy on someone who doesn't care about you?

5. You have learned your lessons

Every relationship is created to teach you lessons that encourage you to grow. Do not persist in the process, at a certain moment it is necessary to move on. You get in the car, it won't drive itself, you have to give it gas, right? Step on the gas and take everything you've learned with you and just drive.

6. You don't value yourself enough

No one in the world should be comfortable with getting only half of their attention from someone. If you value yourself, he should respect you and treat you that way. You are a smart, beautiful woman and you need someone who will see all these qualities and appreciate them.

7. If he really liked you, he would know

If a red light goes on in you and you doubt him, accept that intuition that he's not worth your time. Make up your own mind when enough is enough. He will be with you or he won't be.

8. A casual relationship is not permanent

Many women tell themselves that they are happy with casual dating, but they lie to themselves in order not to lose their man. Is this really your long-term life goal? Remember, he will leave sooner or later.

9. It's better to be single than pretend to be in a relationship

You invest all your time in it, it receives all your attention and energy. It is your priority. We would do anything for him. But he doesn't offer you anything. Imagine yourself. Instead of investing energy and emotions in a person who doesn't give you anything in return, focus on yourself and work on yourself.

10. It makes you stressed

Don't be desperate. He is not the last man on earth. Keep it inaccessible. Don't listen to that desperate little girl who isn't real anyway.

11. You deserve someone who will love you

This man is not doing you any favors in life. Let him out of your life and surround yourself with people who love you.

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