
J-deite RIDE: Transformers now also in real life

J-deite RIDE

We already got to know the Transformers well in the series of films directed by Michael Bay. As technology advances, however, the question arises as to when we will meet them in the real world. That moment is clearly not so far away.

Japanese company Brave Robotics presented its latest creation, created by Kenji Ishida, Wataru Yoshizaki and Kunio Okawara. J-deite RIDE is a transformer that reaches height in a standing position 4 meters. When it is not standing on two legs, it resembles a real car. Interestingly, it can also be driven as it is powered electric battery. There is enough space inside the vehicle for the driver and passenger.

The producers offered the public a video showing the process of turning the robot into a car. The transformation takes about one minute. In popular movies, we are used to it happening in just a few seconds.

The concept of the new transformer is interesting, but still not very useful. The device moves very slowly in both forms. That is why it is difficult to expect that we will see it on the roads in the near future.

Gallery – J-deite RIDE

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