
Jaguar C-X75 - the main villain among cars in the latest James Bond film

Jaguar C-X75

Although James Bond has already driven a Jaguar in the movies (the XKR in Die Another Time), he will be seen once more in an Aston Martin (DB10) in Spectre. But serious competition for the most beautiful and best car will be offered by the Jaguar C-X75 concept, which was first presented in 2010 at the Frankfurt Motor Show, and five years later it returned to the scene of the crime in the company of Naomie Harris (Moneypenny) and David Bautista. In the latest Bondiad, it will be driven by the latter, who plays one of the main villains.

You probably wouldn't be surprised if you were behind the wheel of a British one Jaguar C-X75 seen alone James Bond (Daniel Craig), but in the latest Bond film Specter, he will be behind the wheel Mr. Hinx (Dave Bautista). It was a concept vehicle produced for the 75th anniversary of the Jaguar brand (hence the name), but it was originally powered by four electric motors with rated power 778 horses.

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Naomie Harris, David Bautista and the Jaguar C-X75.
Naomie Harris, David Bautista and the Jaguar C-X75.

The canvas version, on the other hand, boasts a turbo petrol engine V8, which is harnessed 550 horses, but the car retains its original appearance. And although hybrid two-seater you won't be able to take it home, you can recognize it in all other series Jaguars.

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