
Jaguar replaced the computerized experience of racing through the screen for the windshield of its racing cars

The real and virtual worlds are more and more a reflection of each other, and when we talk about augmented reality in the field of motoring, we automatically think of racing computer games, where the windshield is not obscured by vignettes but by various data. Now this is expanding from the virtual to the true reality, as Jaguar has moved the concept from the screens to its racing cars.

Obviously, we have now taken the opposite direction when it comes to convergence reality and imagination. If we are used to things moving from reality to the screen, today things, so far limited to screen, spread to reality. And if it happened earlier racing experience with a view through liquid crystals, gas molecules and cathode ray tubes approaching those from the tracks, now racing and windshield turns into a game's view.

No, this is not a scene from a computer game. This is what racing with Jaguar will look like in the future.
No, this is not a scene from a computer game. This is what racing with Jaguar will look like in the future.

Jaguar concept shows the driver the most on the windshield optimal lines, analyzes the surface for a better idea of braking, records lap times and teammates' times, and enables virtual car, which drives with the data of your previous laps. Although the matter is still limited to racetrack, but Jaguar definitely allowed us to be peek into the future, where the windows of our cars will be obvious lively like those in computer games.

Read more: Jaguar's supercar Project7 set to debut at Goodwood

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