
A Japanese secret: a Japanese face mask that erases years from your face!

That's why Japanese women are forever young!

Photo: Shane Devlin/Unsplash

You only need 3 ingredients! A Japanese facial skin care mask that will surely convince and impress you. The big secret lies in the ingredients.

The Japanese anti-wrinkle rice mask, which was already used by geishas - it cannot prevent wrinkles, as they are part of the natural aging process, but it can slow down their formation.

Prepare this rice mask because it contains rice a powerful antioxidant that stimulates the formation of collagen.

Japanese women are known for taking very good care of their skin, which gives them a youthful appearance. How do women from the land of the rising sun manage to have such beautiful and smooth skin?

Some experts claim that their porcelain skin is a natural gift, others that it is the result of food and care. It is most likely a combination of both!

The biggest secret is that Japanese women use only natural ingredients for skin care. She is one of them rice.

The secret is in the rice. Photo: Riley Welsh / Pexels

Rice is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, at the same time it stimulates the functioning of cells, slows down their aging, improves blood circulation and nourishes the skin with the necessary ingredients. The latter make the skin healthier, shinier, softer and at the same time rejuvenate the face.

Also rice water narrows pores, increases energy levels and regulates body temperature.

Asian women have used rice water for centuries to care for their face, body and scalp. It is also recommended for soothing irritated skin, as it has cooling and soothing effects. Rice nourishes the skin, protects it from UV radiation and prevents the formation of wrinkles. Homemade rice masks gently nourish the skin of the face, making it taut and elastic.

We present to you a recipe for a Japanese anti-wrinkle rice flour mask, which will erase the years from your face and rejuvenate you by a few years.


  • 3 tablespoons of rice flour
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • 2 teaspoons of yogurt
The perfect face mask. Photo: Ron Lach / Pexels


Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture, then apply the mask to your face, avoiding the eyes and lips, neck and décolletage.

Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then gently wash it off with warm water. The recommended use of this mask is once a week. It is suitable for all skin types.

If you have any skin disease or problematic skin, consult a dermatologist before using the mask.

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