
Japanese themed evening

Oregano as part of delicious and social evenings Five continents, five countries, five evenings is the first to present Japan. We will discover poetry in Japanese, taste Japanese spirits and teas, and spoil ourselves with a real Japanese dinner. Photographer and traveler Iztok Bončina will present the land to us visually. Reservations...

Important information
Restaurant Origano, Cesta na Vrhovce 4, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Oregano as part of delicious and social evenings Five continents, five countries, five evenings is the first to present Japan. We will discover poetry in Japanese, taste Japanese spirits and teas, and spoil ourselves with a real Japanese dinner. Photographer and traveler Iztok Bončina will present the land to us visually. Reservations at: info@origano.si.


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