
Jasminka Stančul

At the piano recital, we will be able to listen to the Serbian pianist Jasminka Stančul. The artist often performs at renowned European festivals, such as the Schleswig-Holstein German Festival, the Rheingau Festival, the Maggio musicale Fiorentino, the Vienna Summer of Music, the Carinthian Summer. She will interpret the works of Scarlatti for us, ...

Important information
Cultural center, Bevkov trg 4, Nova Gorica
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 10 to 14 euros.

At the piano recital, we will be able to listen to the Serbian pianist Jasminka Stančul. The artist often performs at renowned European festivals, such as the Schleswig-Holstein German Festival, the Rheingau Festival, the Maggio musicale Fiorentino, the Vienna Summer of Music, the Carinthian Summer. She will interpret the works of Scarlatti, Beethoven and Schubert for us.

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