
Jawbone Up!

Another unique thing for iTelefon owners. Jawbone is known for interesting headsets for hands-free calling, but this time they ventured into the waters of healthy living. Up is a kind of sensor bracelet that should be worn 24 hours a day. This is the only way she will be able to follow our...

Another unique thing for iTelefon owners. Jawbone is known for interesting headsets for hands-free calling, but this time they ventured into the waters of healthy living. Up is a kind of sensor bracelet that should be worn 24 hours a day. This is the only way it will be able to monitor our movements, sleeping and (with the help of the program) also eating habits. In this way, she will form a picture of our lifestyle and then "advise" how to improve the quality of our everyday life. Interesting.


Price: 100 euros, available at eu.jawbone.com

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