
Jazz Club Ljubljana castle: Nas3

The Nas3 project was created in Portorož in 2006 as a result of a spontaneous musical gathering of three talented musicians who were studying together at the Klagenfurt State Jazz Conservatory.

Important information
Sklana Hall, Ljubljana Castle
Facebook event
Entrance fee
7,00 €

Six original compositions were created, which even at that time were indicative a large musical breadth and a substantial energy charge, which this trio possesses. The band then stopped working after a few years of creation, but in 2016 the guys reunited on the coast. New songs are being created, in which, in addition to energetic interpretation, it is also possible to perceive the musical maturity that the boys have accumulated during these ten years as professionals in the music world. As individuals (sidemen) they collaborated with musicians and bands such as Gramatik, Magnifico, Hamo & tribute to love, Luz Casal, Janez Bončina – Benč, Tim Ries, Gwen Houghes, Trkaj, Miles Grifith, Stanislav Binički's Serbian Military Orchestra etc.
So it is about three top instrumentalists, combined into a compact whole, which is adorned with good sound, varied and dynamic arrangements, imaginative singing melodies and virtuoso performance.

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