
Jazz Levels: INTERFOAM (DK)

The winners of the Danish competition for the best young jazz band in 2011. Punk - trash - jazz for the beginning of the month of Jazzuar 2012. The month of Jazzuar in Ravne is being started by energetic Danes. Mikkel Grevsen (t), Mads Lund Egetoft (ts), Kristoffer Tophøj: (dr), ...

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Čečovje 5, Ravne na Koroškem
Facebook event
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Winners of the Danish competition for the best young jazz band in 2011. Punk - trash - jazz for the beginning of the month of Jazzuar 2012.

A month Jazzuar the energetic Danes start on Ravne. 

Mikkel Grevsen (t), Mads Lund Egetoft (ts), Kristoffer Tophøj: (dr), Rune Jakobson: (bg, tuba) are coming to us in cooperation with Jazz Danmark and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark, currently the country holding the EU Council Presidency.
More information: www.jazzravne.si and www.interfoam.dk

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