
Jeff 2012

The festival of jazz, ethno and funk music Jeff is an experimental and youthful program. This time we will listen to Dirty Sanchez, Borut Novaković, Silence, Alfa Omega Jazz Duo and Katalena, among others. The accompanying program includes the Istrian culinary corner, the photo exhibition "10 years of Jeff", ...

Important information
Gardens of the Koper Regional Museum, Koper
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The festival of jazz, ethno and funk music Jeff is an experimental and youthful program. This time we will listen to Dirty Sanchez, Borut Novaković, Silence, Alfa Omega Jazz Duo and Katalena, among others. The accompanying program includes the Istrian culinary corner, the photo exhibition "10 years of Jeff", a cooking workshop and a course to learn about wine. Ticket prices: individual from 3 to 6 euros, season ticket from 12 to 24 euros. Entry is free for KŠOK members.


Jazz, folk, and funk music festival Jeff has a youthful and ambitious experimental program. This time we are going to listen to Dirty Sanchez, Borut Novakovič, Silence, Alfa Omega Jazz Duo and Katalena. Ticket prices: a single ticket from 3 to 6 EUR, a season ticket from 12 to 24 EUR. Admission is free for the members of KŠOK.

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