Jinx are a retro pop band that added a touch of modernity to the nostalgic music of the seventies and thus won the hearts of many. In case of bad weather, the concert will be held in Celje Dom. Ticket price in resale is 12 EUR and on the day of the concert is 15 EUR. Ticket sales: TIC Celje, Eventim sales points around ...
Jinx so retro pop skupina, ki je nostalgični glasbi sedemdesetih let dodala kanček sodobnosti in s tem osvojila srca mnogih.
In case of bad weather, the concert will be held in Celjski dom.
Cena vstopnice v preprodaji 12 EUR in na dan koncerta 15 EUR.
Prodaja vstopnic: TIC Celje, prodajna mesta Eventima po Sloveniji in na prizorišču dogodka uro pred začetkom.
Več informacij TIC Celje, Krekov trg 3, 03 428 79 36, 03 492 50 81, tic@celje.si, www.celeia.info.
Celeia Institute Celje