
John Lennon evening

John Lennon, one of the founders of The Beatles, was shot on December 8, 1980. His musical career dates back to his early youth, and he finally became famous with The Beatles. After they broke up, he worked on solo projects that we still know very well today ('Imagine', 'Give Peace A Chance'...). Through his...

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John Lennon, en izmed ustanoviteljev skupine The Beatles, je bil dne 8.12.1980 ustreljen. Njegova glasbena kariera sega že v rano mladost, s skupino The Beatles pa je dokončno postal znan. Ko so se razšli je deloval na solo projektih, ki jih še danes zelo dobro poznamo (‘Imagine’, ‘Give Peace A Chance’…). Skozi svojo glasbo je predvsem želel nastopiti proti vojni in za mir. 

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