
Jose Carreras under the tutelage of Kristjan Podgornik discovered top Slovenian gastronomy

Jose Carreras under the tutelage of Kristjan Podgornik discovered top Slovenian gastronomy.

Jose Carreras and Kristjan Podgornik

Last night, the top Spanish tenor Jose Carreras performed in the capital as part of his farewell tour and accompanied by the Radio Symphony Orchestra. He has been enthralling opera lovers all over the world for almost half a century, especially as a member of the Three Tenors, who performed a series of unforgettable concerts and world tours between 1990 and 2003.

He chose for Sunday's performance the Stožice hall in Ljubljana, because he has special memories of 2010, when he visited this sports arena for the first time. Before and after the visit, he also treated himself to the tastier side of Ljubljana.

Fascinated by Slovenian cuisine

He is like many other celebrities Carreras on a visit to Ljubljana Kristjan Podgornik, which conjured an unforgettable culinary experience for the tenor. Kristjan Podgornik is a well-known Slovenian businessman who attracts famous faces to Slovenia and makes sure that their visit to us remains an exceptional memory. In addition to working with celebrities, he is also a creator of brands, among them the brand stands out Golden Experience, which emphasizes hedonism, quality and ultimate experiences.

Jose Carreras and the Golden Experience

It's a tenor Podgornik organized a dinner in a Ljubljana restaurant Cubo, where tuna tartar was served as an appetizer, and the singer enjoyed wild sea bass for the main course. To top it off, both dishes were enriched with one of the most awarded olive oils in the world, Podgornikov Golden Experience Olive Oil, which is grown in Slovenian Istria and is famous for added 24 carat gold particles.

Carreras was visibly impressed with the dinner and the service. All the more so, as he says, because he comes from the Spanish region of Catalonia and knows how to appreciate good olive oils, and Slovenian Golden undoubtedly belongs to the very top. Golden experience Carreras' short visit to Slovenia was so marked that the day after the concert he begged Podgornik to organize another dinner, this time in a renowned restaurant Ace. A bottle of noble Slovenian wine Golden oils but he also got it as a gift from a businessman. From the last tour, in addition to the memories of the farewell concert in Ljubljana, the singer also took away a piece of Slovenia in the noblest form.

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