We've all landed in the shower after accidentally jumping into the water. Unintentional of course, the burning sensation upon landing is not the most pleasant. But that obviously didn't stop the brave people in Norway, who competed in a diving competition (ti dødsing) from a great height! Check out the incredible jumps that will make you burn at least a little!
When we jump into the water and fly in the shower, usually provoked by banging snort and sneer friends, and the salt wound is a red "fleck" on the body when we climb out of the water, which reminds us for a long time of how much we embarrassed ourselves. Because just as our skin burns, so does our pride. The exception is individuals who in Norway competed in the diving competition (dödsing) and that from a great height.
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Ugh, that must have hurt! Would you too for a moment of glory from the ski jump flew into the shower on purpose like that? Watch a series of jumps that will make you at least a little sore.