
JYSK with sustainable products to a cleaner environment

By the end of 2024, all cotton used in JYSK textile products will be recycled or produced in a more sustainable way.

By switching from plastic to recycled packaging and using FSC-certified wooden furniture, JYSK is also focusing specifically on the raw materials used to make textile products. Many of JYSK's products are made from cotton, which, despite its good properties, brings many challenges, as the traditional cultivation of cotton requires large amounts of water and environmentally harmful pesticides.

That's why JYSK has committed to using in all textile products by the end of 2024 100% more sustainable cotton. This means that the cotton must be organic, recycled or manufactured under the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI).

Better Cotton Initiative

JYSK is a member of the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), which is the world's largest initiative for more sustainable cotton. BCI supports cotton growers in achieving more sustainable production with higher yields. As part of this initiative, more than two million cotton producers have been taught how to use less water and less pesticides in their production. Training also includes social aspects such as suitable working conditions. Thus, BCI in Pakistan, where JYSK procures its cotton, conducted farmer training during the 2018/2019 cotton season. This means that farmers used an average of 15 percent less water to produce their products and received 11 percent higher yields compared to other farmers. BCI's goal is to change cotton production globally so that all cotton is produced in a more sustainable way in the long term. All products in which cotton represents at least 80 percent of their weight are considered cotton products.

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