
What do men really notice on a first date? They are very attentive to these little things

First impression on a date

Photo: envato

Ever wonder what men really notice on a first date? Of course, everyone has their own taste, but there are some common little things that can significantly affect his impression of you. What are the details that you need to pay special attention to?

On a first date, we all try to present ourselves in the best light. Men, while they may seem more focused on overall appearance, actually notice more details than you might think. Here are four key little things that men notice and mean a lot to them:

1. Facial expressions and eyes

Facial expressions and expressions of emotion are key. Men can tell if your smile is genuine or just a polite mask. Your gaze can reveal more than you think - from interest to boredom. So try to be natural and express your true feelings.

2. Color of clothes

The color of your clothes can say a lot about your mood and personality. Red signals passion and energy, while black represents elegance and reliability. Even softer colors like pink can reflect warmth and kindness. Choose the colors that best represent you and in which you feel confident.

Photo: envato

3. Method of communication

The way you communicate, especially through texting, reveals your true feelings. The words you use and the way you express yourself can tell a man whether you are confident, shy, sincere, or overly cautious. Be honest and clear, but at the same time kind and open.

4. Selection of food and drink

Although it may seem insignificant, your choice of food and drink can tell a man a lot about your personality. Avoid over-cautious choices such as just a salad, as this can give the impression of shyness or excessive care about appearance. Choose something that really suits you and that will show that you are relaxed and confident.

Photo: envato

First dates are full of anticipation and excitement, but they don't have to be a source of stress. Knowing what men actually notice and appreciate can help you relax and enjoy your date. The most important thing is to stay true to yourself and have fun!

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