
Where to put a "money tree" to attract financial wealth to your home

Photo: envato

Do you want your plants to not only beautify your home, but also bring financial happiness?

Crassula ovata, commonly known as the jade plant, lucky tree or money tree, is a succulent plant with small pink or white flowers, native to the KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa and Mozambique; as a houseplant it is common all over the world.

How to make your money tree bloom and thus attract even more abundance?

The secret is in proper care and following ancient tricks that can help achieve this wonderful goal.

Proper care for flowering

In order to flourish, it must be aged between 5 and 10 years. However, in order to achieve this wonderful result, some conditions must be met.

Water moderately, viz once every two weeks. Too much water can cause root rot, which is disastrous for the plant.

If it blooms, there is a greater chance of abundance. Photo; Kios Garcia / Pexels

Put it on bright city where it will have access to as much daylight as possible. Feed it with the fertilizers you use for cacti. When it grows, transplant it from time to time into a larger, but not too deep, container. This will give the roots more room to grow and encourage flowering. Regularly remove dry and yellow leaves. This will help keep the plant healthy.

Feng Shui and the money tree

Place it in the southeast part of your home, which according to Feng Shui is called "corner of wealth". It is believed that this part of the home will most effectively attract monetary abundance.

Regularly dust the leaves, as the dust is believed to hinder the flow of money. Say affirmations to attract wealth while cleaning the leaves. This will further strengthen the energy impact of the plant on your financial situation.

To increase the chances of blooming and attraction wealth, it is important to be patient and persistent. Trust the process.

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