
Candavism: an unusual sex trend that is increasingly popular among men

Candavlism is not for the faint of heart, yet it is more popular than ever.

The world has a new sex trend: candavlism. More and more people are becoming "Mr. Google". What does that mean? In short: in Kandavlism a man looks at his partner, while she is having sex with another man. It is a sexual practice named after King Kandavles, who displayed his naked wife for his own pleasure.

Would you dare to try kandavlism?
Would you dare to try kandavlism?

Thus, three people are needed for Kandavlisma: an exhibitionist, one who likes to show off, voyeur, who likes to watch and someone third, who is happy to join. Candavlism has several variants: it can only be about conquest, it can be about a man showing another nude photos of your partner or your partner. Most of the time, such games end with the sexual relationship of a partner and a stranger, which the husband watches.

Reasons for candavlism

Some men are simply obsessed with their partner's sexual satisfaction. That is why they are attracted to voyeurism. They allow their partner to cheat and watch her during the sexual act itself. Some experts claim that it is some kind of masochism. In this case, the only way a man can climax is if he is humiliated or in pain.

Could you watch your partner having sex with someone else?
Could you watch your partner having sex with someone else?

Otherwise, this trend or phenomenon should be widespread especially among men, very rarely desired or sought by women. Would you dare to try?

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