
My work career fair

The fair will be held for the eighth time with the aim of connecting the best employers with the best candidates. In addition to employers, educators from Slovenia and abroad are also present at the fair, who will present the possibilities of further education. The highlight of the fair is the Magnificent Career lectures, where they will...

Important information
Economic Exhibition Center, Dunajska cesta 18, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Že osmič se bo odvil sejem s ciljem povezati najboljše delodajalce z najboljšimi kandidati. Poleg delodajalcev se na sejmu predstavljajo tudi izobraževalci iz Slovenije in tujine, ki nam bodo predstavili možnosti nadaljnjega izobraževanja. Vrhunec sejma predstavljajo predavanja Veličastne kariere, kjer bodo svoje delo in kariero predstavili uspešni slovenski posamezniki. Z enim obiskom si torej lahko odpremo veliko vrat.

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