
Karla Mialynne: incredibly realistic drawings

Photos or drawings? With some of Karla Mialynne's products, we may have doubts, but in all cases, these are incredibly realistic drawings created by the young artist.

Exceptionally realistic drawings Karli Mialynne they do not pose too many problems, as she is far from lacking an artistic streak. On Instagram her visibility is growing day by day, as she has more than 45.000 enthusiasts.

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Some drawings are taken from her more hours of work, others even several days, because the talented young woman is careful with every color tone and every tiny shadow, so that in the end the product looks like a top photo. But when she published the finished product on her Instagram, she decided to take a photo of her crayons and Pantone markers as well, because people still can't believe that it's very realistic drawings and not for animal photos. He first sketches each drawing with a pencil and then decides which tools to use for the desired effect. He uses crayons, Pantone markers and acrylic paints to achieve this an outstanding result and wonderful rich colors.

Take a look at the breathtaking products in the gallery.

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