
Katarina Mala Quartet

Katarina Mala entered the musical summer easily with the mischievous Ciao Ciao and conquered the radio charts with her in no time. Together with Marko Gregorič, they are already preparing the release of the second single with a cute song-like "oh, how I got fat again" theme,...

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Zlati zob, Ljubljana
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hat + mandatory drink/food consumption - €5

Katarina Mala entered the musical summer with mischief Ciao Ciao and won the radio charts with it in no time. Z Marko Gregorič they are already preparing the release of a second single with a cute singer "oh, how I've gained weight again" topic, and in parallel, a more complex project is being created, in which the author and the bass player are involved Gregorič keyboardist also involved Marko Boh and a drummer Blaž Grm, a trio that we otherwise know under the name Sweets.

They combined creative forces, founded Catherine A small quartet and to begin with Slovenian hits from an earlier date, musical pearls with the patina of the good old days, which could be world hits if they were written by a master beyond Slovenia's borders. It seems that some composition was just waiting for the Katarina Mala quartet to dig it out of the archives and give it a fresh color, taste and smell (No monsieur, Summer night, Only a smile is more bitter). However, since it is not enough for Katarina Mali and her three big brothers to simply change the old into the new, they also started composing original music (Ta svet). Their stylistic approach is diverse, but without excessive instrumental experimentation and unnecessary vocal embellishments.


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