
Kay Bojesen - the roundest and softest toys

Kay Bojesen was no ordinary wooden toy designer. He managed to create the roundest, softest and cutest animals out of wood. He adhered to the principle that all lines in the design should "smile".

Kay Bojesen was a Danish silversmith and designer who found his passion in wood design in the 1930s. He began to create wooden animals that coincided with his belief that the product should be round and soft and fit the hands. First there was a puppy, which was joined by a zebra, then a horse, a monkey, an elephant, a bear parrot and finally a hippopotamus.

Nostalgic wooden toys.
Nostalgic wooden toys.

In the meantime, he surprised with a "non-animal" toy when he made a royal guard. He created beloved and warm characters, which children around the world have adopted as their own. Although Kay Bojesen passed away in 1954, his animals live on happily and energetically. His four grandchildren entrusted the continuation of their grandfather's work to the group Rosendahl Design Group, which further develops the wonderful work of the Danish designer.

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