
Casino Mini Date for Kids

On the occasion of Universal Children's Day, we will prepare a dance animation workshop in Kazina, where we will devote even more than usual to joy, warmth, happy and relaxed laughter, and have fun and rejoice together with dance and music. Children between the ages of 4 and 8 are invited ...

Important information
Kazina Dance School, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
for free

Ob svetovnem dnevu otroka bomo v Kazini pripravili plesno animacijsko delavnico, kjer se bomo še bolj kot sicer posvetili radosti, toplini, veselemu in sproščenemu smehu in se skupaj zabavali in se veselili ob plesu in glasbi.

Vabljeni otroci, stari med 4 in 8 let, da se nam pridružite v soboto, 8. oktobra, med 10:00 in 11:00 uro.

Free entry!

The project is partially co-financed by the Ministry of Finance.

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