In the 21st century, smart technology has consolidated its position in everyday life. With it, people make their work a lot easier. Thanks to the Kegtron, it will now be possible to use smart devices for cooling beer as well.
Kegtron is a new device that displays information about the beer that is in the cooling barrel with the help of a special meter and smartphone apps. It allows users to find out over a wireless connection exactly how much beer is left in the keg, since otherwise it is not possible to measure the volume of the liquid.
The system is intended for enthusiasts who devote themselves to beer in their free time, or the drink is part of their working day. With the innovation, the manufacturers mainly aim at domestic beer brewers and restaurant owners.
It is installed inside the device meter, which determines how much beer has already flowed from your keg. Wireless processor ensures that all information is instantly transmitted to the mobile application. Thanks to its functional design, the Kegtron splash resistant.
It is shown in the video below Kegtron installation process, which you can do in just two minutes. The meter must be connected to the power grid and connected to the beer barrels with tubes.
The app provides all the necessary information you need to know as a brewer. She will let you know beer name, its description, keg size, initial volume of liquid, volume of liquid served, percentage of beer remaining and number of scoops remaining.
If you are convinced by the project, you can support it at Kickstarter. You can pre-order your Kegtron for as little as 125 US dollars respectively 105 euros.
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