
Kenny Carpenter: disco party from the legendary Studio 54 DJ

On Saturday, October 11, 2014, the Ljubljana club Cvetličarna will host the legendary DJ Kenny Carpenter, who was one of the founders and also the only working DJ of the infamous Studio 54 from New York, on Saturday, October 11, 2014, at an original disco party in the style of the seventies.

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Flower shop, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Studio 54 is one of the most popular discotheques in New York's Manhattan and an important destination of the world club scene, where Andy Warhol, Elizabeth Taylor, Cher, Mick Jagger, Woody Allen and also club artists who are Studio 54 was given immortality. The atmosphere of the cult Studio 54 from the second half of the seventies will be recreated by its only still active representative - Kenny Carpenter, also an ambassador of electronic dance music.

DJ Kenny Carpenter.
DJ Kenny Carpenter.

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The Cvetličarna club will host it in a specially decorated club that will conjure up the spirit of real disco parties from that time, equipped with disco balls, glitter, dancers and everything that will bring the real club disco scene to life. The spirit and joy of the disco scene, primary and original disco rhythms from the second half of the seventies - all this will be conjured up by the DJ Kenny Carpenter, who will prepare just for this occasion unique DJ set with all the hits from the days when disco was at its peak around the world. For a better atmosphere, it is desirable, but not mandatory, for all disco fans. disco image, which will bring laughter to your lips and fuel even more the experience of real seventies disco on the dance stage under the glittering disco balls. A world-famous disco will also perform alongside him DJ Master D.
The ticket price is 10 euros.

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