
Kidnapped 2

Acclaimed filmmaker Luc Besson, who produced and co-wrote the screenplay with co-writer Robert Mark Kamen, and director Olivier Megaton present a thriller that follows in the footsteps of the global hit Kidnap. The story continues two years after the events of the first film, when Bryan Mills, while working...

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Acclaimed filmmaker Luc Besson, who produced and co-wrote the screenplay with co-writer Robert Mark Kamen, and director Olivier Megaton present a thriller that follows in the footsteps of the global hit Kidnap. The story continues two years after the events of the first film, when Bryan Mills, while working in Istanbul, is visited by his wife Lenore and daughter Kim. While the protective father Bryan Mills builds an even closer relationship with his daughter and hopes to win back his wife Lenore, a mysterious avenger from years past is on the loose. With determination and dedication, Bryan must use all his skills to protect his family from the criminals who are trying to kill them. After years of retirement from the CIA, his training and years of experience in covert operations were put to the test again.

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